Community Care System Framework
Community Care System
Definition: A supportive-care system dedicated to the coordination and connection of safe and local access points for information sharing and risk-reduction purposes only
A community care system is led by and serves its community members.
A community care system may collaborate with and operate tangential to the current healthcare system and existing community network.
Roles and Responsibilities: Psilocybin Peer Supporter
Collaborate with community access points
Trust and companionship
Information sharing and general education
Dose-day presence and risk reduction support
De-escalation and/or escalation of care
Refer to Community Care Clinician or Integration Specialist as needed
Roles and Responsibilities: Community Care Clinician
Collaborate with community access points
Risk Assessment
Risk Management
Medical intervention and health education
Refer to Psilocybin Peer Supporter or Integration Specialist as needed
Roles and Responsibilities: Integration Specialist
Collaborate with community access points
Support the meaning-making process
Encourage adaptive activities and habits
Cultivate community presence
Refer to Psilocybin Peer Supporter or Community Care Clinician as needed