Healer Inclusivity
There are a growing number of concerns as psychedelic therapies garner more attention. One concern, among many, is ensuring healer inclusivity.
To us, we believe that everyone has the capacity to heal and support healing in others. Supporting the dose-day of a friend, family member, or client should not be an exclusive right given only to clinicians. With proper training, anyone can support the safe journeying of their peer and recommend group-integration or 1-on-1 therapy led by a clinician.
There is a scarce supply of accessible therapists, let alone psychedelic-literate therapists willing to support a client’s dose-day. As psilocybin and other entheogens grow to outperform current standards of care, regulatory processes will be formulated.
These policies MUST ensure healer inclusivity to preserve peer supporter accessibility to support those able to safely ingest these therapeutic compounds legally.